Sunday, June 25, 2006

In Chennai For Da First Time!!!!!

Finally I was in Chennai, my hometown, were all my relatives were. I was happy to be back in the place of my birth. We had our house just buit(we arived there in the year1996). Our house was in kolathur. My parents wanted me to continue studyin in KV and there was no Kv near my house. So me and my brother got admitted in KV ashok nagar. Which was a good 23 km away from my house. Me and my brother had to spend a hour and a half of our day today life in travelling.

On my first day to school, I was shocked to see the massive difference between my past and present school. There were three things that alienated me from the planet in which I was. First thing, nobody spoke hindi, not...... even...........the.......hindi...........teacher. Secondly, there were seperate rows for girls and boys. And thirdly, the first question which my new friends asked me was, what's your total in 6th???So, naturally it took me some time to settle down in this school.

It was first time in my life that I was living without my father. He went to silchar and remained there for a good 4 year more before returning back to us. Those were hard times for my mum without her husband nearby, she used to drop me and my bro at school, go to tharamani for her classes ( those who live in chennai, can really sum up the distance my mum covered in a day), pick us up in the evenin and taught us our lessons in the evening ( not mentioning the household works).

I was a good student earlier, was among the top five in my class. But our move to Chennai had hit my academics pretty hard. Without my father to help out in my studies, my grades in the school were shocking. I just managed to pass each and every year. Finally, I was in the 10th. My father was back in chennai and I was too grown up to be helped by my father in studies. Due to the enormous time consumed in the travelling, I was unable to go to any tution classes. I failed in 2 or 3 subjects in the halfyearly. After which, I slogged for 2 months to come up in terms with 10th cbse. Atlast, I passed 10th scorin 70% and getting a 92 in science.

Now I got admitted in Sboa model(in the year 2000), and little did I know that I was about to be hit by something big that will change my entire life............

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